Mr Mark Andrew Yeo Kah Chong

Mr Mark Andrew Yeo Kah Chong

Independent Director

Mr Mark Andrew Yeo Kah Chong is an Independent Director of the Trustee-Manager. He is the Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee, and a member of the Nominating and Remuneration Committee. 

He is also a director of IREIT Global Group Pte. Ltd. (Manager of IREIT Global) and Changi Airport Group (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

Mr Yeo was a former independent director of CitySpring Infrastructure Management Pte Ltd, which was the former Trustee-Manager of CitySpring Infrastructure Trust. He was also the former Chairman of the Audit Committee of CitySpring Infrastructure Management Pte Ltd and a member of its Conflicts Resolution Committee of CitySpring Infrastructure Management Pte Ltd.

Mr Yeo graduated from Oxford University with a Master of Arts degree and obtained his Master of Laws from the National University of Singapore. He has also completed INSEAD's Advanced Management Programme.

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